DLC: Automated Diamond Like Carbon Coating Analysis #1300083140

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DLC software: Automated Diamond Like Carbon Coating Analysis

Automated Diamond Like Carbon coating analysis for industrial, research, and quality control testing applications of DLC coatings. This App joins the LabSpec6 Software Suite and ensures rapid and reliable analysis in one click!


This app requires the latest version of LabSpec 6. If you do not already own LabSpec6, please go to the LabSpec6 product page to purchase your LabSpec6 license.
If you already own LabSpec6, you will be contacted by our service team for a free upgrade to the latest available version, if needed.

Conditions of use:

  • App usable on a single PC
  • Can be transferred to another PC via HORIBA
  • Permanent license
  • Free updates in LabSpec6

Key Features:

  • Automatic DLC homogeneity and quality testing
  • Defects and disorder in the material
  • Hydrogen content
  • Analysis Report template
  • Single point data to large map data sets

Contact us

If you have any further questions, please contact us using our contact us form available here: Contact us.


“Diamond Like Carbon” is a thin carbon coating used to protect materials. It is commonly used in the hard disk drive industry due to its excellent protective properties and wear resistance. It is also used for similar reasons in high-performance engines, where it can provide excellent protection of engine parts being used at very high speeds/temperatures.

Raman is an ideal technique for both research and industry offering high-quality data, reliably and with significant speed advantages over other analytical techniques. Benefits for the analysis of DLC coatings not only includes the vast range of samples that are suitable for analysis but also the high information content - provides improved value for money.

The DLC App joins the LabSpec6 Software Suite and ensures rapid and reliable analysis in one click!

Screenshot of the DLC software

 Downloadable application only.

If you want more information about Raman spectroscopy, please visit our website on What is Raman Spectroscopy? - HORIBA and on DLC Automated DLC Coating Analysis - HORIBA

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