Assurance® Grade Mixed Calibration Standard 5 for AA & ICP in 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF, 500 mL
Matrix: 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Expiration: 365 Days / 12 Months
Storage Condition: Ambient

Assurance® Mixed Multi-Element Standards for AA & ICP Standards may be diluted in the same matrix as specified; however, caution must be exercised in the choice of the source for your diluents. Diluting the matrix may cause some standards to precipitate. Also, an impure or unknown diluent turns your standard into an unknown. We recommend using only SPEX CertiPrep Matrix Blanks when diluting your standards.
AA & ICP Calibration Standards are provided for routine instrument calibration. The concentrations and matrices have been selected for convenience of use and stability. For use in US EPA Method 200.7 (Revision 4.4) and SW-846, Method 6010 (Third Edition).
If you want more information about ICP-OES, please visit our website on Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) - HORIBA