AFM: Co-localized AFM-Raman and TERS Training
Mastering Precision: A Complete Training in Co-localized AFM-Raman and TERS Techniques
Training courses are conducted in English (except for ICP1 to ICP4 in French).
All trainings are held in France on HORIBA sites in Palaiseau or Lille.
Reference: AFMRAM1
Duration: 3 days
Date: 12-14 March 2025 and 5-7 November 2025
Schedule: From 9 am to 5.30 pm
Registration Deadline: 12 February and 5 October 2025
Location: 455 avenue Eugène Avinée, 59120 Loos - France
Who should attend: Scientists, engineers, technicians, Ph.D. students who have already acquired good skills in Raman spectroscopy or SPM.
Prerequisites: Dedicated for HORIBA customers only and knowledge of AFM RAMAN technique and equipment.
Certification: A diploma is delivered at the end of the course.
Learning Method: Theoretical presentation and instruments practice.
Course Language: English
Maximum number of attendees: 5 people
- Acquire practical knowledge on Raman spectroscopy and Scanning probe microscopy.
- Learn how to use dedicated Raman and AFM software.
- Learn the methodology to perform TERS measurements (alignment, macros, procedures).
Day 1:
Raman spectroscopy introduction:
- Basics and advantages
- Instrumentation
- Raman measurement (spectrum and map)
Pratical Session:
- Acquisition parameters optimization: choice of the laser, grating, confocal hole, laser power etc.
- 2D Raman imaging.
- Data evaluation: cursors, CLS fitting, peak fitting.
Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) Introduction:
- AFM measurement (AFM imaging mode, KFM, C-AFM and Curve Force) and artefact
- AFM tip selection
Pratical Session:
- Tips and sample installation
- AFM topographic imaging measurement in AC mode
- Introduction to other modes and signals (KFM, C-AFM and Curve Force)
- Practical exercises
Day 2:
Colocalized AFM-Raman analysis:
- Principle and examples of analysis
- Overview of the procedure
Pratical Session:
- System configuration, getting ready for colocalized measurement
- Procedure on reference sample
- Hands-on on reference samples
TERS introduction:
- Principle and requirements
- TERS prerequisites
- TERS Applications
Day 3:
Pratical Session:
- Laser alignement on the tip (AFM mode)
- TERS spectrum and TERS image acquisition on reference sample (parameters optimization)
- Hands-on on reference sample
Options (to be selected among the list)
- Hands-on on brought samples (AFM-Raman, TERS)
In addition to standard training courses, we can offer tailor-made "Personalized Training Program" depending on the needs and wishes of your organization.
Read more:
Our trainers are experts in each technique. They will provide trainings advice and guidance to make the most of your HORIBA instrument. You will gain confidence and experience in the analysis of your samples.
To get the entire program and to get registered, please contact us at
If you want more information about AFM Raman, please visit our website on AFM Optical Platform - NanoRaman - HORIBA and What is co-localized AFM/Raman? - HORIBA