Electrovalve MV-9A for EMIA-Pro #3200600405

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Solenoid MV-9A for EMIA Pro

Maintenance and replacement:

  • Visual Inspection: Regularly check the electrovalve for any visible signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. Inspect the valve body, electrical connections, and the surrounding area for any abnormalities.
  • Failure to Operate: If the electrovalve fails to open or close as required, even after troubleshooting electrical connections and cleaning, it likely needs to be replaced.
  • Leakage: If you detect gas leakage around the valve body or connections, and tightening or resealing doesn’t resolve the issue, the valve may be compromised and should be replaced.


If you want more information about EMIA Pro, please visit our website on EMIA-Pro Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer (Entry Model) - HORIBA

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