Standard Pro-Raman Calibration Objective #1123802779

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Standard Pro / SP-RCO

Raman Calibration Objective

Standard PRO - Patented Raman calibration Objective, offers simple and reliable focus-free calibration  - uniquely enables the sample to remain in position under the microscope during system calibration.

The Standard PRO is a unique patented calibration objective available for the XploRA PLUS Raman microscope and LabRAM Odyssey and LabRAM Soleil research Raman microscope. It is the ideal tool for simplified calibration and validation.

Includes replaceable polystyrene reference material which is calibrated against a NIST traceable standard.

Certificate and documents included, (material validation for 12 months).


Note: usable with laser from 440 to 800nm

If you want more information about SPRCOplease visit our website on Standard Pro - HORIBA

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