Silicon Adaptator Scott Chamber
Proper maintenance and timely replacement of this component are essential to maintain the integrity of the analytical results.
Maintenance and replacement:
- Clean both the interior and exterior surfaces of the adaptor regularly to prevent contamination.
- Regularly inspect the adaptor for any signs of wear, damage, or corrosion.
- Look for cracks, scratches, or deformities that could affect the fit and function of the adaptor.
- Periodically check the alignment of the adaptor to ensure it positions the Scott Chamber correctly.
- Replace the adaptor if it shows significant signs of wear, such as deep scratches, dents, or corrosion.
- Ensure any connecting seals or gaskets are also replaced if they appear worn out or damaged.
- If the adaptor no longer fits correctly or maintains proper alignment with the Scott Chamber, it may need replacement.
- Replace the adaptor immediately if there are any cracks or breakage that could compromise its functionality.
If you want more information about ICP-OES, please visit our website on ICP-OES Spectrometers - HORIBA