Photo of the LY-9610 HORIBA Accessory in the LA-960V2 instrument on a wavy blue background

Discover our innovative solution to help you detect and characterize particles in a humid environment: The LY-9610 Imaging Unit Accessory

Real-time particle detection and characterization in a humid environment represents a major challenge for many industrial and scientific sectors. Ambient humidity can affect measurement accuracy and alter the perception of particle size and shape. That's why we've created the HORIBA LY-9610 Imaging Unit, which significantly improves particle detection and analysis in humid environments, by detecting contaminants, bubbles and aggregated particles. This accessory provides a better understanding of sample dispersion. The aim of this article is to explore the issues involved.

The challenges of particle detection in humid environments

Moisture presents several obstacles to particle analysis:

  • Agglomerate formation: Water can cause particles to agglomerate, altering their apparent size and making their characterization more complex.
  • Optical interference: The presence of droplets, bubbles, gaz, can deflect or absorb light, affecting the accuracy of measurements based on laser diffraction or optical microscopy.
  • Alteration of physical properties: Some hygroscopic particles can absorb moisture, altering their size and surface properties.

Particle detection and characterization techniques

Today, there are several analytical methods available for studying particle size and shape in a wet environment:

  • Optical and electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, AFM): This enables direct observation of particles and their morphology.
  • Laser diffraction (SLS: Static Light Scattering), DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) and NTA (Nano Tracking Analysis): A highly effective technique for measuring particle size distribution in solution.
  • Raman and TERS spectroscopy: Identifies the chemical composition of particles without being affected by the presence of water.
  • High resolution particle size distribution measurement by centrifugation.
  • Advanced image analysis: Provides precise measurement of particle size and shape parameters.

The LY-9610 Imaging Unit Accessory: an advanced solution for particle characterization

The HORIBA LY-9610 Imaging Unit is designed to optimize particle detection and characterization in wet environments. Its key features include:

  • High-resolution image analysis: It enables precise image capture of particles for detailed study of their size and shape.
  • Intelligent moisture filtration: its advanced moisture management system reduces interference from droplets.
  • It can be integrated with laser diffraction for a better understanding of your PSD (Particle Size Distribution).
  • Improved measurement reproducibility: it guarantees more consistent and reliable results.

Industrial and scientific applications

Use of the HORIBA LY-9610 Imaging Unit and associated characterization techniques is essential in a number of fields:


Particle detection and characterization in humid environments require advanced solutions to guarantee accurate, reproducible measurements. Thanks to our HORIBA LY-9610 Imaging Unit, particle analysis can be optimized by limiting interference due to humidity, and providing better visualization of particle size and morphology.

If you want more information about Particle Characterization, please visit our website on Particle Characterization.

By Fanny Roussel, Particle Characterization Analysis (PCA) Product Specialist EMEA at HORIBA France.

Particle characterization

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