Photo of the S-316 Solvent with oil background and OCMA HORIBA instruments

Find out how to measure hydrocarbons in your samples!

Hydrocarbons, which are compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon, have a significant and harmful impact on both human society and the environment. If spilled on the surface of marine waters, they can asphyxiate living organisms and disrupt photosynthesis. They can cause genetic disorders, and are especially carcinogenic for humans and marine organisms.

These hydrocarbons come from petrochemical manufacturing plants such as refineries, and from the use of fuels and lubricants, before finding their way into our waters through seepage and runoff.

Photo of the S-316 with OCMA-500 HORIBA instrument

HORIBA has developed an easy, fast and robust method for measuring hydrocarbons, thanks to its solvent - S-316 - which enables these oils to be extracted for infrared measurement. This method is applicable :

Example of applications HORIBA

The OCMA-500 analyzes liquid samples thanks to its automatic extractor. The OCMA-550 analyzes liquid or solid samples with S-316 preparation.

Application example - Hydrocarbon contamination of a solid sample:

Application example - Hydrocarbon contamination of a solid sample HORIBA

By Elodie Lucas, technical sales engineer at HORIBA France

Chemical products

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