Ceramic Cathode for Anode 4mm #1131033177

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Ceramic Cathode for Anode 4mm.

O-Ring 8 mm not included.

You can find the Anode 4mm #1131030680 here

Maintenance and replacement: 

If the black deposit in the inner part of the ceramic is not regularly cleaned, the deposit builds up and the radio frequency energy can arc and break the upper edge of the ceramic.

Also, if there are concentricity irregularities, chips or even small holes, this indicates that the ceramic is no longer recoverable, and should be replaced.

How to clean the ceramic:

  • Remove the O-ring.
  • Use fine sand paper (grade 800 or above).
  • Wash your ceramic well with soap and water.
  • Dry first with a clean cloth and then with air compressed.


If you want more information about GD-OES, please visit our website on What is Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy GDOES? - HORIBA

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