AutoTitration Injector F-3006

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AutoTitration Injector F-3006

The AutoTitration Injector is accessorie used for running automated and batch titrations with precisely controllable and programmable aliquot sizes and mixing speeds.

He left syringe is used to inject aliquots of liquid into the sample to be scanned. The right syringe is used to mix the sample to be scanned, or to extract aliquots from the sample.

Data are shown as a three-dimensional plot, using the z-axis to represent total volume of titrant delivered.

System Operation:

The F-3005 and F-3006 AutoTitrator are fully operated through FluorEssence™ software.

There are two ways to alter the operation of the injector and syringes:

To adjust the basic injector parameters:

  • Volume of the syringes
  • How fast to aspirate the syringes
  • Filling and emptying the left syringe

To modify a batch titration experiment:

  • How many aliquots to add
  • What volumes they ought to be
  • Whether to mix the sample via the right syringe


  • Automated and batch titrations
  • Controllable and programmable aliquot sizes and mixing speeds
  • Sample preparation and experiments time-saver
  • Eliminate technician to technician method variability


If you want more information about F-3006 please visit our website on Auto Titration Injector F-3005 and F-3006 - HORIBA and What is Fluorescence Spectroscopy?

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