Electrode TIP #3200043585

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Electrode TIP

Maintenance and replacement:

  • Frequency: Clean the electrode tip after each analysis session or as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Visual Check: Regularly inspect the electrode tip for signs of wear, oxidation, or contamination. Look for discoloration, pitting, or deformation.
  • Functional Check: Ensure the electrode tip maintains good electrical contact and does not show signs of decreased performance.
  • Storage: Store electrode tips in a clean, dry environment to prevent contamination and oxidation.
  • Handling: Handle the electrode tips with care, using gloves or tweezers to avoid contaminating the surface with oils or dirt from your hands.


  • EMGA 620 W
  • EMGA 620 W/C
  • EMGA 621W

If you want more information about Carbon Sulfur and Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzers please visit our website on Measurement Principle - Carbon/Sulfur Analysis - HORIBA

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