KnowItAll: Raman spectral searching #1145300695

Sale price€3.423


KnowItAll software for Raman spectral searching

The HORIBA Edition of KnowItAll® is supplied with HORIBA’s own Raman spectral databases, comprising over 1750 Raman spectra from a wide range of materials, including inorganics, organics and polymers, minerals, bio-minerals, semiconductors and pigments/dyes. Further extensive database with more than 25 000 spectra are also available from Wiley Science Solutions.


This app requires the latest version of LabSpec 6. If you do not already own LabSpec6, please go to the LabSpec6 product page to purchase your LabSpec6 license.
If you already own LabSpec6, you will be contacted by our service team for a free upgrade to the latest available version, if needed.

Conditions of use:

  • App usable on a single PC
  • Can be transferred to another PC via HFR
  • Permanent license
  • Free updates in LabSpec6

Contact us 

If you have any further questions, please contact us using our contact us form available here : Contact us.

 Key features:

The basic package includes:

  • ID Expert – One click Spectral identification of an unknown spectrum, with optimized pre-processing and automated selection of single, multi-component and peak searching and functional group analysis.
  • SearchIt for database spectral searching with advanced features such as spectral mixture analysis.
  • MineIt for spectral database creation and management using spectra, structures, and metadata. It includes advanced tools for data mining.
  • ProcessIt for Spectral Processing.
  • AnalyzeIt for spectrum/ structure correlation tool.
  • QC Expert – Raman and IR QC Comparison for quality control comparison of a sample spectrum against a reference spectrum.
  • ReportIt – Reporting and Publishing Tool for creating complete reports with spectra, structures, tables, and more.

The KnowItAll environment is integrated within LabSpec 6 Software and contains Single Compound Search, ID Expert multi-compounds and SearchIT - once a spectrum has been acquired it will be automatically identified directly in LabSpec. 

KnowItAll Software screenshot

Now your compounds found by LabSpec's Multivariate analysis are automatically identified using KnowItAll.

KnowItAll Screenshot HORIBA

The HORIBA Edition of KnowItAll® includes a permanent license to HORIBA Raman Database, comprising over 1500 spectra covering application areas such as forensics (including polymers, dyes/inks/pigments, and narcotics), semiconductors, bio-inorganics, and minerals. Also compatible with the full range of Raman databases from Wiley.

Downloadable application only

If you want more information about Raman Spectroscopy, please visit our website on What is Raman Spectroscopy? - HORIBA and on KnowItAll Raman Spectral Searching - HORIBA

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