ParticleFinder™ software: For particle identification and quantification
ParticleFinder™ offers an automated method to locate, sort and name thousands of particles using Raman Spectroscopy.
This app requires the latest version of LabSpec 6. If you do not already own LabSpec6, please contact us. to check your system compatibility with LabSpec 6.
Special hardware requirements, please contact us. to check your instrument compatibility.
Conditions of use:
- App usable on single PC.
- Can be transferred to another PC via HFR.
- Permanent license.
- Free updates in LabSpec6.
Contact us
If you have any further questions, please contact us using our contact us form available here : Contact us.
Particle identification and quantification is a constant challenge in various
application fields. From pharmaceutical laboratories, which need to investigate
APIs and excipients in nasal spray, to contaminants trapped on a filter in either from
a motor, or from river water, all users need unequivocal results. Consequently,
morphological data alone is not enough, and chemical composition is
mandatory. Raman microscopy represents the perfect combination for both.
Processing of this data used to be long and tedious.
This is now changing:
ParticleFinder™ offers an automated method to locate,
sort and name thousands of particles using Raman Spectroscopy!
Combined with HORIBA Raman spectrometers, ParticleFinder enables reliable
and fast characterization of particles. Useful for applications as diverse as
microplastics, pharmaceutical and chemical material development and quality
control, forensic analysis, contaminant detection and geology.
Particle Analysis is now Fast and Easy
Particle based samples measured with brute-force raster mapping is time consuming. ParticleFinder includes all the relevant steps to enable particle location and analysis within seconds.
High Accuracy
Combining morphological and chemical data is fundamental for accurate results. ParticleFinder brings the full capabilities of LabSpec 6 to easily classify each particle according to its spectral fingerprint:
- Up to a thousand particles analyzed with micrometer resolution
- Chemical analysis with high Raman accuracy
- Chemical sorting and labeling using univariate and multivariate data analysis
With ParticleFinder tap directly into the power of the KnowitAll® database and MVAPlus.
Meet Every Challenge
ParticleFinder is designed to offer maximum flexibility. Each user can find the function they need.
- Single Raman acquisition per particle or full particle mapping
- Customizable report displaying location, size, shape and Raman spectral fingerprint
ParticleFinderTM can be further enhanced with our sample analysis capabilities:
- Microscopy Techniques: Bright-field, Dark-field, Phase Contrast
- Correlative images: using Epifluorescence and Photoluminescence modules
- Optimized Raman signal: using the EasyNav package for automated video and spectral focusing
- Large area analysis at high image resolution: using FastMosaic analysis
Main Applications
- Drug formulations
- Contaminants in liquids
- Protein aggregates
- Cleanliness
Environment - Geology
- Microplastics in water
- Harmful respirable silica
- Bacteria
- Mineral sample composition
- Trace evidence, fibers and paint chips
Downloadable application only.
If you want more information about Ramn Spectroscopy, please visit our website on ParticleFinder: Automated Particle Measurement, Identification and Classification using Raman Analysis - HORIBA and on What is Raman Spectroscopy? - HORIBA